I met with the amazing team @mymdlondon www.mymdlondon.ca #ldnont and got to experience the most incredible #vaginatech #therapy 🤖🍓
The Mona Lisa Touch #monalisatouch #vaginalrejuvenation treatment is a simple, proven laser for gynaecological health. It targets deeper levels of tissue, and helps alleviate your #vagina of physiological concerns related to lubrication, #postnatal traumas, #menopause, #aginggracefully and so, so much more!
👑This is the only place in #londonontario that offers this restorative treatment and I HIGHLY recommend it personally, plus have been privy to personal testimonials of friends and family of mine who have also received the incredible benefits🙌🏼💖
👉🏽👉🏾👉🏻If, you’ve been to see your MD, been to #pelvicfloorphysicaltherapy, use all the lube and it’s still not working to bring you relief, and are looking for an incredible, proven and trusted #alternativetherapy to bring you back your #juicy #revitalized #goddess self, connect with the team @mymdlondon to book your appointment today!
📺 Watch my full video to learn the #healthbenefits, watch my experience of receiving the #painless treatment and a final review of how I feel now!💦
❤️Love you, #sohard
The Everyday Goddess
#carlencosta #theeverydaygoddess #vaginalhealth #pussypower #pussylounge #vaginapower #vaginalrejuvenation #womxn #lubrication #menopause #postnatalfitness #postnatal #vaginatherapy #womeninspiringwomen #womenledbusiness #juicy #juicylips #juicyfruit